Westside Brewers Collective Barleywine Ale by ENKI

WSBC Barleywine Ale represents a true partnership, crafted using ingredients favored by representatives of each of the eight brewers in the West Side Brewers Collective. This American Barelywine is dry hopped with classic American Chinook and Cascade hops, which provide a piney, spicy and citrus aroma, somewhat similar to pine sap. The flavor is of dark caramel, toffee and earthy spices with an assertive hop flavor and bitterness that blends well with the huge malt backbone and big ABV, which will leave you with a healthy warmth. The beer is full bodied and chewy with a velvety, luscious texture. Dependent on the brewery's clarification methods, the beer ranges from brilliant to a tad hazy, but consistently is deep amber in color and moderate carbonation leaving a light tan to copper head. 7.0 ABV, 99 IBUs

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ArchivedIan DeVaan

Our passion for ancient tradition shines through in making sure the Grodziski style is never forgotten. Spreading across central Europe, this style gained popularity in modern day Poland and Northern Germany. Enjoy a subtle, smoky aroma that teases the nose upon first raise of the glass, while the tongue is tickled by a wave a bubbles with refreshing apple notes and a wheat back. 2.7 ABV, 15 IBUs

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ArchivedIan DeVaan
Juicy Brewskie IPA, One Time Brew

The West Side Brewers Collective is back at it and releasing our 2nd collaboration beer! This time around the brewers came together and decided to showcase an experimental hop variety. Enki chose to do a juicy unfiltered IPA, clocking in at just under 6% ABV. Juicy Brewskie has been massively dry hopped to bring out the aroma and flavor of tropical fruits, along with herbal and spicy notes, and subtle notes of cedar. 5.9 ABV, 85 IBUs

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Ian DeVaan
IV Anno ENKI - Belgian Quad, One Time Brew

In celebration of our 4th anniversary, ENKI is proud to present IV Anno Enki, our Belgian Quad. This naturally follows III Anno ENKI, a triple IPA, served at our 3rd anniversary. Will a Quintuple Ale be offered at next year's anniversary? You'll just have to make plans to be here a year from now to find out. Regardless, we promise a beer adventure worth your while!

IV Anno Enki is a rich, complex Belgian-style beer that shines antique gold. It features a soft malt flavor combined with spiciness from noble hops and lively pepper notes contributed by the Belgian-style yeast. The 10.6% ABV is well-contained within the residual sugars to offer a smooth yet substanctial ale and pleasantly sweet finish absent of bitter aftertaste. Served in a commemorative 10oz. tulip glass. 10.6 ABV, 10 IBUs

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ArchivedIan DeVaan